Csemfuture.com es el único propietario de la información recolectada en este sitio. Su información de identificación personal no será vendida, intercambiada, transferida ni proporcionada a ninguna empresa de terceros por ninguna razón, sin su consentimiento. Csemfuture.com no vendemos, intercambiamos, ni transferimos de ningún otro modo a terceros externos su información de identificación personal. Creemos que es necesario compartir información para investigar, prevenir o tomar medidas respecto a actividades ilegales, sospechas de fraude, situaciones que impliquen amenazas potenciales a la seguridad física de cualquier persona, violaciones de nuestros términos de uso, o que de otra manera sea requerido por la ley. Implementamos distintas medidas de seguridad para mantener la seguridad de su información personal. Utilizamos encriptación de avanzada para proteger información confidencial transmitida en línea. Csemfuture.com también protege su información sin conexión a internet. Nuestras cookies mejoran el acceso a nuestro sitio e identifican a los visitantes frecuentes. Lo que es más, nuestras cookies mejoran la experiencia del usuario haciendo un seguimiento de sus intereses. Sin embargo, este uso de cookies no está relacionado de ninguna manera a cualquier información de identificación personal en nuestro sitio. Al utilizar nuestro sitio, usted brinda su consentimiento a nuestra política de privacidad. Última actualización 20 de Diciembre de 2022.
Csemfuture.com is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. Your personally identifiable information will not be sold, exchanged, transferred or provided to any third party company for any reason, without your consent. Csemfuture.com does not sell, exchange, or otherwise transfer to third parties your personally identifiable information. We believe that it is necessary to share information to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of our terms of use, or otherwise required by the law. We implement different security measures to maintain the security of your personal information. We use state-of-the-art encryption to protect confidential information transmitted online. Csemfuture.com also protects your information without an internet connection. Our cookies improve access to our site and identify frequent visitors. What’s more, our cookies enhance the user experience by keeping track of their interests. However, this use of cookies is not in any way related to any personally identifiable information on our site. By using our site, you consent to our privacy policy. Last updated December 20th , 2022.
The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to disclose the way in which personal data accessed, processed and protected by the services associated with this Website are collected, processed and protected. Likewise, the Privacy Policy regulates the treatment of personal data provided in the past by you through other means outside the Website, or those that you may provide in the future with reference to this Policy, always insofar as do not contradict what expressly accepted by you at the time of providing the data, which will be respected in any case. The access and use of the Website implies that you accept in full and you oblige to fully comply with the terms and conditions contained in this Privacy Policy, as well as in the provisions contained in the Legal Notice and Conditions of Use, the Policy of Cookies and, as the case may be, the General or Particular Conditions of Contract of any other services; said documents being set as a whole as the applicable Legal Texts. You can find the corresponding links at the bottom of the main page. The provision of the service of the Website has a limited duration to the moment you are connected in your case to the Website or any of the services provided through it; therefore, you must read carefully these Legal Texts in each of the occasions in which you propose to use the Web Site, since these can be modified according to news or legislative and jurisprudential requirements or for business needs. This Privacy Policy will be valid for the personal data obtained for this Website or other services of Summit-BlogStats.com. However, in the event that you formalize your registration or association with the Website through any social network, instant messaging application, network or similar system, you are authorizing that network or system to deliver data to Summit-BlogStats.com in the terms foreseen in the Privacy Policy of the network or system in question in each case, notwithstanding that it will be your responsibility to consult said Policy prior to granting your authorization. In compliance with the provisions of Law 15/1999, of December 13, on Personal Data Protection and its development regulations, we inform you that the data collected through any forms of data collection of the Site Web will be incorporated into two personal data files, respectively, of Summit-BlogStats.com that guarantees the confidentiality of personal data provided and compliance with all applicable regulations. Summit-BlogStats.com warrants its commitment to comply with applicable data protection regulations and Summit-BlogStats.com information. In addition, we inform you that your personal data may be processed by Summit-BlogStats.com for the following purposes: Perform statistical and profile management studies, debugging and qualifying these profiles with the study of user navigation obtained from through the installation of cookies, in accordance with what is established in our Cookie Policy and to proceed to the design and offering of content, products and services according to their personal, professional and consumer profile, and also to be able to plan commercial and unified business development. Like other Internet portals, the Website uses a technology called «cookies» to collect information on how to use the Website. If you want detailed information on how Summit-BlogStats.com uses cookies, you can check here the Cookies Policy, or click at any time on the link at the bottom of the main page. We will not communicate your personal data to third companies without obtaining your previous consent, unless the transfer of your data was necessary for the provision of the service or for the maintenance of the relationship with you.
CSEMFUTURE.COM has attempted to implement and maintain the levels of security required by law to protect users’ personal data from accidental losses and unauthorized access, treatment or disclosure, given the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed. However, the transmission of information through the Internet is not totally safe; for this reason, and although Csemfuture.com does its best to protect user data, it can not guarantee the security of the data during transit to the Website. Therefore, all the information you provide will be sent at your own risk. Once your data is received, Csemfuture.com will use rigorous security procedures and functions to prevent unauthorized access. The personal data that we may collect through the Website or through the various communications that we maintain with you will be treated with confidentiality, committing us to keep secrecy regarding them in accordance with the established in the applicable legislation. Minors may not use the services available through the Website without the prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be solely responsible for all acts performed through the Website by minors in their charge, including the completion of the forms with the personal data of such children and the marking, where appropriate, of the boxes that accompany them. In this sense, and insofar as Csemfuture.com does not have the capacity to control whether users are minors or not, it is advised that parents and guardians should be able to enable the necessary mechanisms to prevent minors access the Website and / or provide personal data without their supervision, and Csemfuture.com does not accept responsibility for this. You may revoke the consent given for the processing of your data, whenever such revocation is legally possible, and exercise at any time your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of your personal data, by sending a notification in writing, attaching a photocopy of a document proving your identity, to the addresses indicated here, indicating «Data Protection» as a reference. This Privacy Policy may need to be updated; so it is necessary that you review this policy periodically and if possible every time you access the Website in order to be adequately informed about the type of information collected and its treatment. You can find the Privacy Policy at the bottom of the Website, along with the Legal Notice, the Cookies Policy, the Conditions of Use, and the Conditions of Contract in your case. The Privacy Policy was last updated as of [12/20/2022].