Fayettechill: Goods for the Woods

Fayettechill, a small but successful clothing company in Fayetteville, Arkansas, as a model. The brand now sells clothing and shoes for men and women that lean towards the wrinkle retro aesthetic, but with an undertone outside. Sweatshirts, shorts, sweatshirts, T-shirts and dog collars are also part of the range now.

Mo Elliot founded Fayettechill by creating the Red Bull Flugtag with his cousin. A flugtag is a homemade flying device that almost always fails in an exciting act in which competitors throw it into the water.

After the game, the pair wondered what they would do next. Not wanting to start a real business, the two designed and printed their first products; The certification station. People thought the station was cool, so they took the design and ordered 50 shirts.

For the next three years, Mo and a few friends sold T-shirts for University of Arkansas students out of the trunk of their car. It’s not glamorous, far from it. But a trunk full of shirts gave them the start they needed.





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